PAST projects
The Umbrella Community Arts Center
Project Summary:
DSC was hired to strengthen The Umbrella’s capital and annual fundraising efforts and elevate its standing as Greater Boston’s premier arts institution. DSC supported The Umbrella’s $15 million capital campaign and developed a new concert series as a fundraising and engagement initiative. Julie Helmes managed the artist booking, event production, committee coordination, and communications strategy.
The capital campaign culminated with a brand-new theater and building remodel. The concert series continues to fund the organization and anchor itself as a premier Greater Boston venue.
Appalachian Sustainable Development
Project Summary:
Development Strategy Consultants (DSC) was engaged to plan, develop, and launch ASD's $14 million Growing for a Stronger Appalachia Capital Campaign. Julie provided strategic guidance, managed a comprehensive project timeline, and facilitated collaboration across the capital campaign committee and internal team.
As of 2025, the campaign has reached nearly 50% of its fundraising goal and is on track to enter the public phase by year-end. Julie continues to support ASD through the campaign’s completion.
Learn more about ASD here.
Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation
Project Summary:
DSC was retained to enhance events, donor engagement, and staff training. Key projects included redesigning the Geared Up bike event strategy, creating a comprehensive project plan, clarifying team roles, and refreshing the annual campaign messaging to resonate with donors at all levels. DSC also facilitated a fundraising strategy workshop during the organization’s annual retreat.
The staff gained actionable templates and training to elevate their fundraising efforts. The Geared Up event was streamlined for improved efficiency, resulting in increased net revenue.
Learn more about PBTF here.
Teton Raptor Center / Sporting Lead-Free
Project Summary:
DSC was brought on to help launch Sporting Lead-Free, a new independent program under the Teton Raptor Center. Julie collaborated with co-founders to develop the initiative’s structure, branding, and fundraising strategy. After the launch, she supported hiring the program’s first employee and now serves as an Advisory Board Member.
Sporting Lead-Free is now an independent, sustainably funded program with 2.5 employees. Its programming has expanded to other states and gained growing recognition within the wildlife and hunting community.
Learn more about Sporting Lead-Free here.
Quincy After School Child Care’s First Gala
Project Summary:
Development Strategy Consultants (DSC) was engaged to lead fundraising strategy and event planning for QCARE’s inaugural gala. Julie Helmes served as the project lead, managing the event committee, timeline, and tasks. She designed event materials, organized sponsor and invitation outreach, and implemented an online silent auction to support the event's success.
The gala celebrated QCARE’s 30th anniversary and exceeded expectations:
63 sponsors (an impressive result for a first-time event)
Over 230 attendees
More than $115,000 raised
The event exceeded its fundraising goal, established a new network of supporters, and positioned QCARE for future galas. Planning for the 2019 gala with DSC is already underway.
Learn more about QCARE here.
Project Summary:
DSC was engaged to create and execute a strategic development plan for SIRUM. Julie Helmes led the project, managing fundraising research, outreach, and planning. Additionally, she organized and executed SIRUM’s first board-hosted event in Fall 2016.
SIRUM is now well-positioned to bring its development efforts in-house. The organization continues to fulfill its mission of connecting surplus medications with patients in need, redistributing over 2 million pills to date.
Learn more about SIRUM here.
Heading Home
Project Summary:
Development Strategy Consultants supported Heading Home in planning and executing their 2017 gala, resulting in record-breaking success. Wendy Dodson led the project, managing all aspects of fundraising, including sponsorships, auctions, and committee oversight, while coordinating event logistics.
The gala raised $1.34 million, making it one of Boston’s largest fundraising events. Nearly 1,000 business leaders gathered at The Castle in Boston’s Back Bay, enjoying fine food and participating in a spirited live auction that raised over $100,000. Proceeds directly benefit Heading Home’s homelessness programs in Greater Boston.
Youth Enrichment Services (YES)
Project Summary:
DSC partnered with YES in 2013 to accelerate its annual fundraising efforts and support organizational growth. Wendy Dodson developed a three-year strategic plan, restructured the Board of Trustees, and implemented a high-impact gala strategy to engage community leaders. Wendy also served as YES’s major gift officer and managed the organization’s first capital campaign. Additionally, DSC led a real estate redevelopment project, recruiting Boston’s top real estate leaders to conduct feasibility studies and present opportunities to the board.
Within two years, DSC helped YES:
Increase gala revenue by 30%
Expand the Board of Trustees by seven members, each contributing $10,000
Mittersill Race & Training Venue at Cannon Mountain
Project Summary:
DSC was engaged by Franconia Ski Club (FSC) to lead a capital campaign supporting major infrastructure enhancements at Mittersill. Improvements included a T-bar lift installation, trail widening, snowmaking upgrades, and a connector trail to Cannon Mountain. Wendy Dodson developed a layered fundraising strategy to identify obstacles, leverage existing relationships, and engage industry influencers.
DSC helped FSC raise $3 million (75% of the project goal), and the Mittersill Race & Training Venue opened successfully for the 2016 season, becoming a premier destination for ski racing and training.
Learn more about Mittersill here.