other projects
Qunicy AFter School Child Care’s Frist gala
Development Strategy Consultants (DSC) was brought-on to lead the fundraising strategy and event planning for QCARE’s first gala. Julie Helmes, served as the project lead managing the event committee, project timeline and tasks, creating and designing event materials, organizing and managing sponsor and invitation outreach, and implementing an online silent auction.
QCARE celebrated its 30th anniversary in the community through it's first ever gala. Quincy After School Child Care is involved with 9 elementary schools and 4 middle schools, serving 425 children every afternoon. Their mission is to provide affordable childcare and enrichment services of the highest quality through innovative and carefully crafted programs that are governed by quality and passionate caregivers.
63 Sponsors (for a first time event!)
230+ attendees
$115,000+ raised
The event exceeded the fundraising goal and created a new constituency of individuals and corporations. The organization is now preparing for the 2019 Gala with DSC!
To learn more about QCARE please visit, www.quincyafterschool.org
Development Strategy Consultants (DSC) was brought-on to help establish a strategic development plan and spearhead its execution. Julie Helmes, served as the project lead managing the fundraising research, outreach, and planning. Additionally, in Fall 2016, she organized and managed the first board-hosted event.
SIRUM saves lives by connecting organizations with surplus medications to patients in need. SIRUM has redistributed over 2 million pills, enough for over 150,000 patients. Their mission is is to get medication to every person who skips their prescription due to cost.
The organization is now in a position to take their development effort in-house and DSC wishes them continued success.
To learn more about SIRUM please visit, www.sirum.org
heading home
Development Strategy Consultants’ client Heading Home raised a record-breaking $1.34 million dollars at their gala on May 9, 2017. Wendy Dodson spearheaded the project and was responsible for all aspects of fundraising including sponsorship and auction, committee management and overseeing the gala planning logistics team.
Now one of Boston’s largest fundraising events, the Housewarming gathered nearly 1,000 business leaders at The Castle in Boston’s Back Bay to network, sample fine food, and help end homelessness locally. The night concluded with a spirited live auction featuring “priceless” donated items including a once-in-a-lifetime road trip with the New England Patriots, which raised more than $100,000. The event’s proceeds directly benefit Heading Home’s programs throughout Greater Boston.
Additional Kudos to the Development Strategy Consultants:
“Thank you and your team for making it so easy, “John Edwards, Event Co-Chair, Breeds Hill Capital.
“Great job, Wendy and thank you for letting me be a part of it!” Jeff Weschler, Event Co-Chair, Tishman Speyer.
To learn more about Heading Home please visit, www.headinghomeinc.org
the umbrella community arts center
The Umbrella Community Arts Center approached DSC for assistance in accelerating their capital and annual fundraising operations. The project goal is to help Umbrella become the premier arts institution of Greater Boston. Working with the Umbrella Community Arts Center leadership is helping to support the organization’s $15-million capital campaign. To reach this unique goal of broadening the scope and span of the Umbrella Community Arts Center, DSC is working with the center to develop and implement the Umbrella Concert Series that features theater as a musical venue for the greater Boston community. In addition to the capital campaign, DSC’s event planning arm manages the production of the concerts and reception, concert committee, and communications – to increase the Umbrella Community Arts Program public presence and fundraising efforts. The series has welcomed artists Lyle Lovett and Bruce Hornsby and will continue to host national acts through 2017.
To date the campaign has raised an $9 million of the $15 million goal.
To learn more about the Umbrella concerts series and upcoming arts programs please visit, www.theumbrellaarts.org
youth enrichment services
DSC was brought on board in 2013 to help YES accelerate its annual fundraising program. DSC developed a 3-year strategic fundraising plan and helped revamp the organization’s board structure and recruited a fundraising-focused Board of Trustees. In addition, DSC restructured the organization’s annual fundraising gala to fully engage high-level community leaders, created a gala committee, and recruited top community leaders to help with fundraising and work alongside YES staff and board members. Wendy also serves as the YES major gift officer and most recently has been tasked with spearheading the organization’s first capital campaign.
Additionally, DSC has recruited and managed the real estate committee, and is facilitating the organization’s real estate redevelopment by recruiting Boston’s top real estate leaders, establishing a feasibility study, researching opportunities, and gathering results for the board of directors.
Project Results
In their second year with YES, DSC help YES increase the gala revenue by 30%, help expanded the Board of Trustees with seven new members - each donating $10,000.
To learn more about Youth Enrichment Services (YES) please visit, http://www.yeskids.org.
mittersill race & training venue at cannon mountain
FSC contacted DSC to help them develop and implement a capital campaign that would support the infrastructure enhancement necessary to ensure that Mittersill will become a premier destination for competition and instruction for future generations. These capital improvements will include the creation of an alpine training and race venue, a T-Bar lift installation, trail widening, snowmaking, and the addition of a connector trail to Cannon Mountain.
Project Results
DSC developed a layered fundraising strategy that would help Cannon Mountain, FSC, and Mittersill become a premier ski-racing destination. The project goals were to better understand their constituents and identify obstacles or challenges. This identification process helped DSC leverage the client’s current relationships, engage industry influencers in the discussion and development process of the project, and develop a targeted fundraising plan. To date, DSC has helped FSC raise $3 million, (75% of the project goal) and FSC opened the venue in the 2016 season.
To learn more about Mittersill please visit, http://www.franconiaskiclub.com/